Where the Life began .....
" The universe begins with mother. But for her, there will neither be life, nor the universe as we know. The life is her gift, but as we enter the life istelf, she is relegated to the background. And willingly she fades into lesser of the priorities, all the while, hiding her pains with prayers for not so gratefull progenies. What with necessities of life, is what we say. But these are excuses why there is not enough time for the one who gave us our life. The future has become the reason, to forget the past. The materialistic needs have taken the place of needs of love, feelings and passions for fellow human beings. In this race, we forget the fact that the progress in science and other materialistic comforts have occured as a result of undying love of our forefathers to bless the generations to come with the comfort they never knew for themselves, but wanted their children to have. The whole edifice of human civilization was built on the strength of parental love and desire to secure more comfortable life for their children. Take out the humane and emotional aspect of civilization, you have armageddon staring down at you. Love was the driving force, love will continue to be the driving force in progress we have made and we will make. Science devoid of love ... well .. I dread to think of it. The day we start to strive towards progress for sake of progress only, the beginning of our end will begin."
Love in its most refined form is exhibited in a mother's love for her children. As a mark of love for the source of all LOVE, shall we ..... Shall I say ... I love you, mother. And shall I request you all to express some act of acknowledgement of her love towards you ... in whatever small way, and bring a small smile on her face ... however old her face looks, whatsever number of lines that cut across her aged face .... for once, let the love be there once again, ... For once, give her a glow of a morning sun, during the evening of their life.
And, when they pass into the night, let them say, " Yes, I have lived my day, and night is the time for rest, rest in peace, shall I."
And, when they pass into the night, let them say, " Yes, I have lived my day, and night is the time for rest, rest in peace, shall I."
This post is dedicated to all the unsung mothers, whose love has sustained the humanity till now, but who have never been acknowledged. You all may not be eulogised in the golden letters, but it is on your spirit of love that this edifice of human civilization stands.

Ode to unsung Mothers
My Mother and me,
She sang ,
And I heard,
Of days that were long gone,
Of battles that were fought,
In the times that,
Lived in the memory,
So far.
Of the love and betrayals,
The ballads,
That passed down,
From mother to child,
In a soothing words,
Of the days to come,
Of mountains and rivers,
To be crossed.
The mothers dreams,
Of her children, their dreams,
And her wishes,
In her prayers,
Said in that,
Endearing voice.
Song sang from her,
Deepest heart,
Is all that took,
To spur her children,
To the heights, never attained.
So falls sulu in love with mothers.