Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Of Messiahs, Preachers and their followers....

Duel in my mind about moral preachers ...

Sitting whole day with my plastered leg, having nothing else to do in physical terms, I start stoking my mental faculty. As it would happen, my mind went into bipolar mode and two shades of my mental faculty started mental duel. One took the high seat of protagonist and other, the belligrant seat of antagonist.

The antagonist self as usual started thinking loud, " Preachers of morality sow more seeds of hypocrisy which is root of all strife, than moral values in the society. These preachers groom societies who start judging themselves by the moral ideals preached to them, and judge others by their actions. That is actions and behaviours which are natural to human being and which, these same moralistic people practice day in and out. But no, they dont judge themselves on their action, but through the colours of moral values which have been taught to them, and which to consternation of everyone, they believe they are leaving"

My protagonist self starts gently as usual and thinks back, "Preachers are the heart and soul of society. They are the spiritual guardians of the people and they preach such good and virtuous things like not to speak untruth, be always polite, not steal, not to harm and kill anybody. The society survives on such ideals."

Antagonist self, "The soeity survives and dont thrive exactly for the reason that the preachers teach agaist things which are natural.

The concept ofacts sin and piety, right and wrong are preached at an ideal level and not on practical level. Moments of lying, desire to steal, hurt, cheat, be weak are as true and as widely practiced and appreciated, as the moments of piety, truth, gentleness which are condemned at times. They dont preach them the truth about the existence of so called vitues in the shape of vices they preach. They increase the degree of divergence between how people live and what they think the way they are living."

Protagonist self, " Preaching of such ideals set a goal towards which the society can aspire to move towards.This sets the tone of society's moral life."

Antagonist self, " Such ideals provide a feel good factor on the surface and hypocrisy in the system and in the day to day behaviour of people. Society has been harmed more by the hypocrisy of followers of the unbending ideals set by the messiahs than good. It is people who accept themselves, accepth others as they are, find a midway where everyone can compromise some aspect of each other, and decide to move ahead."

Protagonist self draws deeper into himself and thinks gently, " May be we each have to think again on the matter."

And then, there is bugle of ceasfire.

I thought sitting alone in soliotude will bring mental peace, but I find it is not the physical solitude, but mental soiltude that gives peace. But is it so......?

So, Sulu thinks to himself.