I landed up at Kabul Airport on 25th October 2005. The winter was setting in and whip of cold wind played with my unkempt hair as I stepped out of Airport. As I looked out and saw the town surrounded by barren hills, it reminded me of Kathmandu valley. Airport itself reminded me of our old Ziro Airport. Only difference was it had pot holes near the edge of runway and number of bombed Aircraft scattered all over, like broken toy aeroplanes in my children's room. We slowly piled up infront of immigration counter. People at the counter looked at my passport and at me, and scrutinised my face to a point of embrassment, they repeated it for sometime and took me to a different room. They didnt believe I was an Indian and put my pass port to scrutiny again and again. Only after I showed my disqeuit and showed Ministry of External Affairs letter to Afghanistan Embassy, did they let me through ever so reluctantly.
Next morning I flew down to a place called Zaranj in a eight seater small plane. Weather was clear and sky was deep blue stretcing far into the universe. Down below, there was not a whip of cloud, so I could fill my eyes with awsome landscapes. All the way to Zaranj, which took two hours, we crossed mountain range after mountain range, but not a forest was seen. It looked so much like face of mars and other planets as we see in science fiction movies.
Landing at Zaranj was totally a different experience. The runway was not metalled and it was laid with small stone chips. I had the childish fear that one of that stone might pierce the tyre and it would burst. Nonetheless, it landed safely and I experienced the most wonderfull flight I have ever flown.
Zaranj is the capital of Nimroz Province and it is hardly half a mile from Iran border. This is one of the remotest part of Afghanistan. I suppose it should rank among the remotest in the world. The whole of province has not had any metalled road in history. There is a huge market for second hand four wheel SUV cars as all the journey is a cross country run through the desert. There is no system of vehicle registration and driving license. So all the vehicles have the registration numbers of previous country and owner.
There were no banks existing when I landed, and people kept their money with money lenders. There is a money market where various currencies are sold and bought. Currencies of various countries are kept piled up on the shelves and people come and purchase as we buy vegetables from vegetable market in India. It was something very new to me and I took sometime to understand the system. Iran currency i.e rial is the prevailent medium of exchange, although US dollar is also favoured by many. Afganistan govt has introduced Afghani currency and DA Afghan Bank. But people have neither faith in Afgani currency nor DA Afghan Bank. So, they still prefer to keep their money with money lenders and hold foreign currencies. There are no cultivable lands nor any industry, but God has blessed them with acumen for money management. So, they are very gud business men.
Security was a big issue. Although Taliban govt had fallen two years back, it was resurfacing in this part of Afghanistan with much more vigour and determination. Within twenty days of joining, one of our men from Kerala was kidnapped and beheaded. Many a time our people used to be ambushed on the road sides. There was a constant fear stalking us whenever we moved out side. Every vehicle we passed by was viewed as a potential suicide jihadi. There were times at night when one would watch rockets falling around the camp with total dispondency. These were moments of heplessness. We lost number of our own people and also Afghani soldiers who were guarding us to our enemies. Reminds me of " There are no atheists in a cornered place." Everybody thought of their maker in those situations.
I came back to India towards the end of November 2007. Today, the road stands completed and the the remotest place in Afghanistan stands connected to the rest of Afghanistan .
Afghani People are warm and hospitable, but have that trait of short tepmer which comes in a package with honesty and simplicity.
These are some of snaps which I thought I should share with you all.
i was totally lost my mind in afghanistan,while reading your blog.simultaneously im shock to heard about the crime deeds of that valley.especially kidnap,murder, bombing...etc...i really like your blog.
Hi Anonymous
Thanks for the nice words about my blog.
People of Afghanistan are simple and unsophisticated. There is honestly even in their dishonesty. But as any self respecting men would do, they also dislike foreigners who have forced themselves on them.
With regards to India, they live in the reminiscence of past glory where the Afghanis had ruled India from times of Moahmmad of Ghori till 1857 when the last of Mughals were vanquished to Burma i.e for about nine hundred years. Indian film heros and heroins are very popular. Sholay film is run and rerun in Iran and Afghani Television net works.
It must have been quite an experience.. i mean people around you with rocket propellers :8
Question is:
Indian Govt can send its men ,equipment and money to the remotest and most dangerous place on earth,abroad, in pain of death, to build roads there for people who may not want you there, but it consciously avoids building any roads in large chunks of AP.
What kind of warped logic is that?
Hi Buru
You have a genuine question out there. I think it has more to do m with real international political compulsion rather than generous India opening her purse while her people go hungry.
hi wiian,
In a hindsight it was a great experience, but living that experience was totally a different song.
Hi DS...
Nice photographs... Great experience!!
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