Thursday, June 25, 2009

Conversing with Myself - XII

Discovering Life

Life is,
What I think,
Life is.

Life's chores are,
But a vessel.
What I think of Life's chores,
Is what my life is.
Wah! I found you,
And you thought,
Forever you will remain elusive.

Life is,
What I think,
Life is.

So says sulu to himself.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Conversing with Myself -XI

Place:- Zaranj, Afghanistan
Date:- 21.01.2007

Peeking Through

Live your moment: hour will take care of itself. Live your hour nicely, day will take care of itself. Live your day to the full; life will take care of itself. Live one moment at a time, enjoy it with great hopes for future and pleasant memories of past. This is way to happy and contented life.

Also remember the wise words of Mark Twain when he said, “Lack of Money is root of all evil.”
Work hard for money so that you do not fall into evil ways .... and days.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Conversing with myself - X

Date:- 03.01.2006
Place:- Zaranj, Afghanistan

Waking from a Nightmare .....

I can see my life clearly and impassiontely wading through fleeting moments of time. My life, as of today is led by whims and fancies of mind rather than my detrmined purpose and direction. I can see the kinds of thoughts that constantly pour inside my mind. It has a strong leaning towards the fantasy filled world and is susceptible to to such pleasure seeking fun filled; foolishly melodramaticworld constructed to please the ever seeking lazy mind. I can see and feel the kind of thoughts that filters into my mind, I cannot check those unwanted time and energy sapping thoughts from entering inside and filling my mind.
My saner and more sensible part of mind has awakened and has recognized what is good and bad for mind. But now, if I don’t let those superfluous and negative thoughts enter inside my mind; then I should train my mind to accept constructive and positive thoughts. I need to tune my mind and heart towards positive and constructive world of thoughts and deeds. I wake up from twilight zone of half asleep and half awake.

So says sulu to himself.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Conversing With Myself - IX

Let me be ........

Let ,
My inner self and external world,
Remain balanced and harmonious.
Me learn to accept life as it comes,
Life and death,
Are nature’s rhythm.
Why … then worry?
Who can challenge destiny?
Me enjoy my life,
Like a child,
Free of care and worry.
Me take my life,
One step at a time,
Till it lasts.

So says sulu to himself.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Conversing With Myself -VIII

Where am I?

In silence and quietness,
There in one will find,
All his answers.

So says sulu to himself.