"Todays moments are tomorrows memories. Since we tend to live more in our memories of past, why not build beautiful memories by living our moments by the ideals that are so dear to our heart."
So says sulu to himself.
These are some more pictures from my Afghanistan sojourn. As I told you all, in my previous post, I was stationed in the South -Western Afghanistan, bordering Iran in a place called Zaranj, which is the capital of Nimroz Province. This is the most backward province of Afghanistan. I met some Americans and French people who were working with some charity foundation, and helping set up orphanages and vocational training courses for Afghani women folk to equip them to generate income for themselves.
To me, these people were the real heroes who had left the comfort of their home and country, and, living among the poorest of Afghanis were working without salary. Only accomodation and journet fair was provided to them, and their friends and families used to fund their stay in Afghanistan. Each of them were donating their time for cause of humanity. Some had come for six months, others for one year or two years. Can we take a leaf out of their life in helping our own people to overcome poverty and ignorance?

" Long after my body leaves a place, it is in my mind and heart that this place shall continue to live, and it is in their mind and heart that I shall continue to live. How I lived the moments I spent with them, shall determine in which part of their memory, I shall continue to live."
So says sulu to himself.
--- ADIEU ---
I really respect these people ^^
They were really selfess and courageous people, Galaxy. It was a great eye opener for me. There are too many armed chair philantropists and environmentalists, but there are only few who go to ground and grind the harder part of life. Thanks for the visit. Keep visiting.
Hello Dani, thank you for reporting
on Afghanistan. It is so very
good and life-affirming to hear
how other people sacrifice for
the benefit of people they do
not know.
And you Dani, your compassion
and love of humanity is something
I admire. You are a blessing to
each who crosses your path.
Beautiful post...
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Hi Cynthia, Thank you so much for your wonderful words.
Hi Dani! hows life going on? was looking for your posts here :)
Hi Bomken! Things are fine here. Was bit busy for sometime.
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