Saturday, October 2, 2010

Leading a happy and natural life ......

" Food shall not be eaten for sake of its taste, Sex shall not be indulged in for sake of pleasure and Money shall not be earned for sake of power it gives. This is the way to lead happy and natural life." Sulu recieves this sms from his friend, reads it and thinks otherwise.

Sulu thinks way to natural and happy life is by relishing the taste thatfood gives,enjoying the pleasure that sex gives , and enjoying the power that money gives.

Sulu justifies his thought by thinking :-

"Lord in all his sagacity thought that, Men, lazy as they are, will not survive and starve to extinction without the intense desire to satisy its taste buds. Nature provided us concept of taste, and this lure of taste ensured our survival. This was his way of tending to survival of his favourite child. And then, what is more relishing than the after feeling of a sumptuos food.

" Lord in his wisdom thought that, Men, selfish as they are, will not take to procreation but for the intense sexual desire that will drag him to act of procreation. It was nature's intention that we enjoy our sexuality. It was His Way of prolonging his act of creation. After all, what gives better sense of pleasure than the after glow of a fufilling sex!!

Lord, in all his discerning way thought, that, without the desire to succeed and pride in sense of accomplishment, men will remain stagnent in its life like any other animal. It was desire for better material comforts in life that drove the men to present level of civilisation. Bestowing sense of desire to acquire more wealth was nature's way of ensuring our continuous progress. After all, what gives us more sense of accomplishment than being able to dispense our wealth and power to the people whom we feel are in in such need."

Further Sulu thinks:-
" Nature wasnt interested in creating machine men, a robot devoid of tantalising aspect of human frailty. He believed in creating a spiced up life by blessing us with such attributes as sex, emotion and ambition. Desire for sexual fulfilment, desire to satisfy one's taste bud, and men's aspiration to live better are the ignition point for spurts in human progress.

Living a natural and fulfilling life is living according to nature's provision. Living by what men thinks nature wants us to live is open to debate because what he thinks is what he thinks according to the contours of his thought not along the curves and lines that nature provided us with. The only restricting factor in exercising our natural attributes is resisting excess and remaining moderate."

Sulu tells himself, " Dont resist what nature desires of you. Resist only the excesses which are not natural. Enjoy life as nature provided us with, and not as per men thinks how nature wants us to live. Billion men will have billion thoughts, and we cant live according to everyones thoughts."

Sulu wonders whether to send his friend his thought or not .. to send or not ..... to send or not and sleeps off.

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